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Friday, December 2, 2016

My job hunting journey down under

When we came here to West Australia last July, the first order of the day was to find a job. Job searching became a full time occupation for me. I send customized applications online to 2 or more companies per day. Here you can't send a generic application. You have to relate your work experience to the position you are applying for so the Employers could immediately see if there is a match. After sending out dozens of application, I got rejection letters. That is one good thing here because you will be informed whether you are being considered for the job selection process or not. 

After almost two months of application I got my first job interview with Company A. I was telling myself that it is now my chance to showcase my work experience. I was very nervous that day because it was a panel interview with three interviewers (one in telecon) and I think I barely survived it. After two weeks, I got a letter from them informing me that I did not get the job. I was terribly disappointed because it was the only company who gave me a chance for an interview. I still gracefully sent Company A a Thank you email though and let them know that I hope they will keep me in mind if any similar position will come up. 

Shortly after that, my husband got a job so the pressure for job hunting is off. I happily settled in my new role as a Stay At Home Mom. I tried looking for home based job but I had no luck either so I got my hands busy with the chores and my son's school work. 

Then two weeks ago (two months after my interview) Company A called me up for another invitation for an interview since there is a similar position which opened up that fits my qualification. One of the managers who interviewed me the first time remembered me and was the one who refered me to the new position. The interview was like deja vu, same location and almost same people. A week after the interview I got invited for a walkthrough and a quick chat with the site Manager. After a few days I was asked for a Medical exam and after that I was offered the job. 

It seemed that time went by pretty quickly and I am due to start my work a week from now. I feel really thankful and apprehensive at the same time. I am worried about the welfare of my children as I will be leaving them to strangers. I am also nervous about the job but I am hoping for the best. I am forever grateful that God gave me this opportunity and I know He will be with me the rest of the way in this new chapter in my life.

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